Hey Everyone!

School is out! You know what that means if you have kids… you need lots of SNACKS!!! I have 4 children and 1 on the way so imagine how many times I hear the word snacks in a day. Of course, kids need their snacks, but you can provide healthier options as well. I can buy something from the store and in my mind, I am like, “I can make this” or “this box is gone already”. There are ways in which you can be economical as it relates to snack ideas.


Apple Slices & Peanut Butter: Yes, this is simple, but it does provide fruit and a good protein source. Just having fruit along may not cut it so add some type of nut butter or dip.


Pretzel Sticks & Cheese: Another simple idea. My kids love pretzel sticks and pairing it with cheese offers protein and provides a more filling option.


Popcorn: So yes, you can pop your own popcorn. There is a brand that I like to buy called Skinny Pop, but we have kernels and an air popper on hand to pop at any time. The kids love the see the kernels pop.


Cheese Quesadillas: Now I do these a lot, even with a dinner. All you need is shredded cheese and flour tortillas. So super easy and all my kids enjoy.


Mini Pizzas: We always make our own pizzas, so my kids are use to homemade pizzas, but they can be a easy snack as well. If you don’t want to make your own crust, use English muffins, canned biscuit dough and yes even a slice of bread (try it).


Muffins: I love the make homemade muffins. Don’t intimidated, but it is more cost efficient than buying a box from a store. Great idea and a quick go to for any child.


Smoothies: Smoothies are always a great way to get extra fruit and veggies in. Even my 5-year-old who does not like any veggies, will make a smoothie with green veggies in it and drink it up!


Graham Crackers: These are great to offer between meals and can be paired with peanut butter as well or even melted marshmallows.


Cereal: Most kids love cereal. Dry cereal can be a great idea between meals. You can create mix and even make cereal clusters with melted peanut butter and honey.


Yogurt: I usually get the yogurt that is squeezable because they are very kid friendly and comes in different flavors.

So, what snacks do you already do from this list or what others can you think of. Yes, summertime can be very busy but got to make the most of it and do what you can. At least that what I will do. Try some of these with your kids and see how they like them. Check out my Tasty Tuesday Tip Recipe Book for more meal ideas!

As always, Small Steps equals BIG Change


About steps4changeblog

Wife.Mother.Author.Nutritionist.Lover of Jesus!!!!
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